PWA Fuerteventura Day1

Gollito made the 1st!

Vandal Sailer Antony Ruenes
Vandal Sailer Antony Ruenes

1. Gollito Estredo (Fanatic/North)

2. Kiri Thode (Starboard/Gaastra)

3. Tonky Frans (F2/Gaastra)

4. Taty Frans (Starboard/Mauisails)


Best Vandal Sailer: Antony Ruenes (Tabou/Vandal Sails) on 5.position!

Best German: Adrian Beholz (F2/Hotsails) 17. place! Philip Köster (Starboard/NP) on place 33.!


Movie from the first Freestyle Eliminations ;)

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